
2022 Year of the Student

10 January 2022

On 10th February 1922, the National Union of Students was founded. That is 100 years of students making change.

Solidarity, cooperation and daring to think radically have always been at the heart of the student movement.

As we mark our 100th birthday we wanted to make it about more than an organisational milestone. We want to recognise students past, present and future. To make it a celebration of everything we stand for as a movement.

We want to make 2022 a year to celebrate not just past achievements but students right now. Who they are, what they are doing and what they want to see in the future.

This is why we want to name 2022 the year of the student. A full 12 months celebrating students, student unions, the student movement – all that we have achieved and will achieve together.

You can get involved by:

Sharing stories – we are collecting inspiring stories from students past and present who have led change and have themselves been changed by students unionism. We want to hear from everyone who has something to share, with a big emphasis on previous generations encouraging and inspiring students today. Submit here.

Showcasing creative talents – on our online exhibition/ gallery of student work. Where students can share their creative talents whether it be art, film, photo, digital, poetry, story, illustration, fashion, pottery, music… How? Submit your work and a bit about yourself and we will display it online, share and promote through our social channels, activities, and events. Submit here.

Taking action and campaigning together – you can join us on big issues like creating a new vision for education or how we decolonise the system across the UK, the call for summer payments in Scotland, addressing student housing in Wales or signing up to our student manifesto ahead of the Assembly elections in Northern Ireland.

Join our Student Strike – Walk Out // Teach In for students to take back the space to imagine education. We’re calling on all students to walk out, and come together in community to reimagine education on March 2. We will be organising a mass ‘teach-in’ style event in London, where students will gather in the heart of the city’s elite university district, and use their time to share knowledge, skills and experiences with each other. We’ll have multiple workshops and sessions going on at the same time, as well as a central stage with music and speakers. Sign up here.

Proudly radical since 1922

#NUS100 | #Students2022